Allusion Blinds

What are Allusion Blinds? 

Allusion blinds are a product that combines the soft aesthetic of a wave curtain with the functionality of a vertical blind.  Allusion blinds can be drawn across a window of a door to provide a soft shade with a diffused look, allowing the outdoor view to be seen from inside without the heat and glare from the sun.  They can then be tilted to closed by turning the wand to provide a light block or complete privacy.  They have become a popular solution in many rooms and windows versatility and functionality while working on only one track. 

What windows are best suited for Allusion Blinds? 

Allusion blinds work well in all windows but tend to work best on bi-folding doors or large bedroom windows.  Areas where you would expect to see floor-to-ceiling wave curtains tend to look best with the Allusion blinds in them. 

What colours? 

There are a variety of different colours for both the headrails and the veins for the Allusion blind.  There are different thicknesses of the fabric some providing blackout and some with a translucent texture. 

What variations are there? 

Allusion blinds are by far the best-known version of this blind and are a brand name by Louvolite.  There are other variations but none that we would be happy to recommend at this time. 

Can Allusion blinds be motorised? 

Yes!  Allusion blinds can be motorised using Somfy motors and can be controlled for both the drawing back and forth and the tilting/control of privacy. 

How long do they take to make? 

Allusion Blinds typically take 3-4 weeks to manufacture, providing there is sufficient stock of the fabric that has been chosen. 

Are there any disadvantages? 

Allusion blinds are a new product and as a result of this, the price is still rather high compared to that of a vertical blind.  They are closer to the price of a handmade wave curtain but we feel they are worth the money. 

How long do they last? 

With the product still being relatively new we are offering a 3-year warranty against both parts and labour.  We would expect these blinds to last a lot longer than this 5-10 years.  If you become fed up with the fabric we can always swap this out at any time. 

Schedule Your Free Home Visit

  • Book a Free Home Visit: We come to you for a no-obligation consultation.
  • We Measure, You Choose: During the visit, we take precise measurements and guide you through our extensive range of high-quality blinds and shutters.

Make Your Selection and Place Your Order

  • Pick Your Products: Choose from our great range of blinds and shutters to find the perfect fit for your space.
  • Ready to Order? Pay Your Deposit: Once you’ve made your selection, simply pay your deposit to get started.

Sit Back and Enjoy

  • Installation: Our expert team will visit at a time convenient for you to install your new blinds or shutters.
  • Enjoy Your Quality New Products: Once installed, sit back and enjoy the enhanced comfort, style, and functionality they bring to your home.

Request a Quote

Transform your space with elegance and precision—request a quote today and let's bring your vision to life.


Farnborough Street Farnborough, GU14 8AG
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