Conservatory Blinds

 What Are the Best Blind Solutions for a Conservatory?

Discover two excellent shading solutions for your conservatory, addressing both the roof and sides. The first is a pleated roof system, engineered to reflect heat, keeping the temperature comfortable in hot weather and insulating during colder months. Alternatively, sail blinds, known for their cool aesthetics and efficient performance, offer effective shading and heat reduction. Their ease of removal and machine-washable feature add to their appeal.

What windows are best suited?

Every type of conservatory can benefit from these bespoke solutions, tailored to fit your specific conservatory design.

What colours to conservatory blinds come in?

Choose from a range of headrail and cassette colors, including white, cream, anthracite, and black, matching popular conservatory tones. Beadfit blinds and PerfectFit International also offer wood colors, while fabric choices are unlimited, allowing personalization to suit your taste.

What variations of conservatory blinds are there?

For the roof, consider Sail blinds or Pleated Roof Blinds. For the sides, numerous variations are available, ensuring you find the perfect match for your conservatory’s aesthetic.

Can they be motorised?

Pleated roof blinds can be motorized, a practical choice for conservatories with ample glass. Operating them individually manually is an option, but motorization ensures convenience. All side blinds, except INTU blinds, can also be motorized, offering a touch of luxury to your conservatory.

How long do conservatory blinds take to make?

Typically, any conservatory solution takes 3-4 weeks for manufacturing, ensuring a swift turnaround for your tailored blinds.

Are there any disadvantages to conservatory blinds?

Blinds in your conservatory eliminate disadvantages, making the room usable year-round, regardless of the time of day or season..

How long do conservatory blinds last?

Most solutions offer a lifespan of 5-10 years, influenced by fabric choice and the type of glass in your conservatory. Enjoy lasting comfort and style with these effective and durable shading solutions.

Schedule Your Free Home Visit

  • Book a Free Home Visit: We come to you for a no-obligation consultation.
  • We Measure, You Choose: During the visit, we take precise measurements and guide you through our extensive range of high-quality blinds and shutters.

Make Your Selection and Place Your Order

  • Pick Your Products: Choose from our great range of blinds and shutters to find the perfect fit for your space.
  • Ready to Order? Pay Your Deposit: Once you’ve made your selection, simply pay your deposit to get started.

Sit Back and Enjoy

  • Installation: Our expert team will visit at a time convenient for you to install your new blinds or shutters.
  • Enjoy Your Quality New Products: Once installed, sit back and enjoy the enhanced comfort, style, and functionality they bring to your home.

Request a Quote

Transform your space with elegance and precision—request a quote today and let's bring your vision to life.


Farnborough Street Farnborough, GU14 8AG
Project Blinds Roof Lantern Blinds
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